6 Tips For Being Productive While Working From Home

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As the US works out the best way to contain the Coronavirus and stop the spread many offices have closed causing hundreds of people to work from home. Though the transition is still new, the difficulties have been apparent, especially for those who have never worked from home before. 

Since I’ve been working from home full time for about 2 years now I wanted to hop on here and share some tips that I hope will help those of you who are newly working from home. 

6 tips for working from home

Create a designated workspace

This is first because it is seriously the most important. Creating a workspace is going to be essential to helping you stay on schedule, be productive, and not feel trapped at home. Decide where you are going to be doing your work and set up everything you will need to work there. 

Don’t get sucked into the trap of thinking that you can work from your bed or the couch. It doesn’t work. 

Stick to the schedule

Just because you’re working from home doesn’t mean that the schedule doesn’t exist anymore. Get up on time, do your morning routine, and get to your home desk right on time. 

Sticking to the schedule also applies to the rest of your day. Work at your normal pace and task out your day the same way as you would if you were at your job. 

Get dressed

Yes, every day! I know it sounds ridiculous since you’ll just be at home, but trust me it helps. I’m not saying get all dolled up and stunt for yourself, however, you should definitely get out of your pajamas. 

Resist the Urge to Day Drink 

I SAID IT!!!! I’ll let you have your brunch mimosa to celebrate on the first day. But, if it’s day three and you’re drinking Ciroc and lemonade at 12:35, Houston, we have a problem. Save the drinks for your clock-out celebration. You’re closer to the home bar now so you’re still winning. 

Don’t Get Sucked into Social Media 

Since you’re on the computer and no one is going to be watching it’s hella easy to open up those social tabs. I know the notifications are going to be popping, but don’t get distracted. Resist the urge! You still need to WORK when you’re working from home.

Take a Real Lunch Break

For people who don’t work from home regularly I’m sure you’re thinking “honey, I TAKES the breaks.” But, when you start working from home it’s really easy for all of your time to kind of flow together. Keep some of the separations between your two lives and take your lunch break seriously. 

I really hope these tips are helpful. If you have any of your own drop them in the comments and help the gang out. 

While you’re self-quarantining and social distancing you should also check out my other posts. Some of my personal favorites are 5 Books to Kickstart Your New Year, 5 Tips for Leveling Up Your Friend Group, and 7 Reasons I’m Not the Whitest Black Person You know.

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