8 Lessons for Creatives from Drake’s Rap Radar Interview


On Christmas day Rap Radar gave us all a surprise I’m not sure any of us were good enough to deserve. In a two hour interview with the one and only Champagne Papi we got the inside scoop on his daily routine, his musical toilet, his views on recent rap beefs, and SO much more. From So Far Gone to Scorpion, Elliot and B.Dot asked everything Drake fans have been dying to know and discussed many hot topics that needed to be put to bed. 

In addition to clearing up misconceptions and providing us with new Drake’isms Drake’s Rap Radar interview is a bit of a playbook for creatives looking to find success in their industry. 

Among the many interview takeaways I could talk about in this post, these 8 were the ones that stuck out the most to me as a creative. 

On changing up your style

When asked why he does different accents or does different genres of music

“I just can’t keep doing the same thing over and over again because 1) you’ll get used to it and 2) for me it’s like I want to try my hand at something new”

  • Experimenting with your art is part of the creative process no matter what your medium is. Don’t be the one who boxes your own talent in out of fear of what people might think or say. 

On clout

When asked about record label influence & pressure on So Far Gone

 “...Least personal touches and about how big we can look. I was just enamored by the whole space. It was just pretty crazy to me that any of these people would even make music with me...I was a product of my surroundings at the time really just trying to execute for the people around me” 

  • It’s not always about who you’re around and working with the most popular people.  Doing things for clout typically won’t result in the work you’re most proud of.

On trusting the process

When asked about God’s plan leaking and becoming the biggest song of his career

“I can put in the max amount of effort. I can use all of my heart and my soul and my writing but at the end of the day I am being guided by some other power. That’s just the facts. A lot of this is organic is not that calculated.”

  • Sometimes the real plan is even bigger than anything you could’ve planned yourself. Things will happen that are out of control, but you have to learn to lean in and roll with it. The universe respects those who are living in their truth. 

On social media

When asked how he handles social media + trolls

“Whoever tells you they’re not (affected by social media )is not being honest” 

Why do you choose to engage

“Just because a few bad apples wanna violate it would be a shame for me to be like aahh I can’t deal with this. It builds strength.”

  • Even the people who are literally creating some of the BEST work struggle with negativity on social media. Don’t give up, don’t stop sharing, and don’t stop enjoying it. 

On beef with people in your industry

When asked about being done with all of the beef

“I started to break down ‘what’s our issue again?’... I want my closest friends to know that it was for me...It’s not a fun life when you were in a lot of beef with people...I was becoming a guy that was moving with a different energy.”

  • Most of the bullshit isn’t worth your personal sanity.  When issues with other people are causing you to become a different person it has gone too far. Get back to you so that you can get back to work. 

On being the bigger person

When asked about giving props to Kanye and his music + his beef with Pusha T

“I’m always willing to give the love and the credit but things have changed I’m not just a kid as a fan anymore a lot of his issues He has with me I can’t change.”

But would you be open to conversation?

“No, not really because it’s not on my end I don’t have any problem with these guys I don’t know these guys like that.”

  • Sometimes you really just have to leave people where they had you fucked up. It doesn’t always have to be beef. And, you don’t always owe it to others to be the bigger person and forgive. 

On having a clear vision

When asked about his lengthy albums 

“When you deliver your vision in a more concise fashion it really gets the point across a lot more than having moments for people to be able to drift...but it takes discipline”

  • As creatives who can go down a long road trying to make sure that everyone understands every piece of our work. While we might understand all of the scenery on the trip it might be confusing to our audience. If you want your message to connect then you need to be clear.

On negative responses to your work

When asked about being boo’d at Camp FlogNog 

“I feel like maybe next year they might be calling for me. Sometimes the story just needs to go like that...maybe next year I’ll pop out and it’s only 1000 people booing me”

  • Shit happens. Everyone isn’t going to fuck with the work you’re creating. People will boo you. So what. Keep creating. Keep making things you’re proud of. 

Which quote from the Drake Rap Radar interview was your favorite? Let me know in the comments. If I missed your favorite drop that in the comments as well. 

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