Hella Lessons: Insecure S2



Insecure season 2 has come to a close, and like many of you, I'm hella sad. Though they gave us a little life with a longer last episode I'm still in my feelings about this not being a 10 episode deal (fingers crossed for season 3).

Though the show is over there were hella takeaways from this season that are some definite game changers.

Get You a Molly

Keeping it 1,000, Molly is seriously the best bff a girl could ask for. Without any hesitation, she holds Issa down unconditionally and that is so damn awesome to see. Even when Issa is fucking up and they have some friend beef, Molly is always there.

Molly is also Issa’s diary, her therapist, and her partner in crime. The way they talk so open and honest is truly admirable. We all need someone to listen and be our shoulder when we feel like we’re spiraling. Not everyone can handling being there for you through the gritty shit you’d never want anyone to know..

        Molly is also Issa’s biggest supporter. She claps for her at every success, no matter how small, and doesn’t hesitate to bring the turn up when it’s time.

         Long story short, she is the definition of a ride or die. She’ll talk reckless to Issa when she needs it (out of love of course) and will also get the next bitch together if she tries to come for her friend. If you don’t have a Molly on your team I promise you’re missing out.

Get You a Kelly

        While we’re talking about the importance of having a Molly in your tribe, let me not forget to mention that we also need a Kelly in the crew.

Kelly is the realest. We can all get caught up in our day to day grind and forget to have fun and live life outside of our perfect little boxes. It’s important to have someone like Kelly around because she reminds you that life is for living.

Kelly is honest. She’s raw, she’s hilarious, ans she’s always herself. Kelly is the breath of fresh air friend that keeps us all on our toes so that we don’t get stuck in the bull shit.

Hoe Life Isn’t for Everyone

        LISTEN, honey! I would never knock anyone going through a hoe phase. I’ve had a few. However, the realness of this show truly brought to light that this hoe life isn’t for everyone.

Off top letting someone in your “space” like that makes it tough for anyone not to catch feelings. Any way you slice it sex is intimate. Even for the toughest of us, offering your body to someone else can come with even the most unwanted attachment.

        If you’ve got your feelings in check though, and you’re really out here not loving these hoes then your issue will more than likely be the rotation.

Neighbor bae was the prime example of this. That moment of “how dare he” as she monologues in the mirror was way too real. The audacity of him not just be sitting around waiting for her to choose him lol- unforgivable. Guys make it look so easy, but on this side of the game, at least for us regular ass awkward girls, it’s hard AF.

Dating Right Now isTRASH

        Though Issa struggled with dating because she wasn’t over Lawrence, dating right now is pretty freaking whack. It’s like no one is out here trying to be serious. If you’re not down to be a hit and run or just a nigga’s “friend” there doesn’t seem to be a real place for you in the dating world.

You spend all this time making sure that you’re bringing enough to the table and focus effort on showing interest and for what?

Issa: “I gotta be cute and careful and witty and charming.” -- all for a nigga to come along and waste your time.

The Struggle is or Has Been Real for Everyone

        In this time when everyone is living their lives so publicly, it can feel like you are the only one out here struggling. The best part of this show, and honestly why I think it’s so successful, is its honest portrayal of struggle life.

Too often we get black characters that are either criminal or sub-human because of the amount of perfection their life portrays. Issa, Molly, and honestly the entire cast live life in a way that everyone at some point can find relatable. Watching struggle life play out on tv in this way makes situations like checking all of your electronics for vibrator batteries (which we’ve all done don’t lie) seem less tragic and pathetic.

 We’ve all had our “dick on E, bank account on E, life on E” moments. Life can be a struggle, but it’s a struggle for us all.

Trying to Fill the Void Without  Really Dealing With the Issues will Have You Fucked Up


If you've taken nothing else at all from this show, please oh please let this one sink in. This little lessons is written into to every story line and is in almost every episode.

Every character is some way is trying to cover up and/or fill their voids instead of truly dealing with what is wrong or missing. It doesn’t work out well for anyone.

If you have shit going on it your life deal with it, head on. Trying to avoid it or act like it isn't happening will not make it go away. As we get older things get tougher, but these are the things that make us stronger. It may be easier and more fun to throw real life by the wayside and do some reckless shit, but in the long run, you'll be paying for more than you initially signed up for.

Sucking Dick isn’t for the Faint of Heart

I know yal didn't think I was just gonna let this important message go by lol.

Guys make it seem like it's no big deal. Like you're just licking a lollipop or whatever but they don't do it so they don't know.

Now it's not all bad. Some women actually really enjoy it, however, it can be bad if you don't know what you're getting into. I'll save the graphic details for a more candid blogger, but I will say that it's not a quick endeavor and you DEFINITELY want to set your boundaries beforehand.

As we saw, Issa didn't and Daniel thought she was down for whatever. THIS IS REAL LIFE! Don’t get caught out here making the same mistakes Issa did. LOL!

Overall, another fantastic season. Sad S4 will take so long to air, but happy to know another one is coming. Drop your take aways in the comments. I would definitely love to hear them.

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