2022 Weight Loss Tips

It’s the new year and everyone is all a buzz with goal setting, manifestation, and new beginnings.  As made obvious by the lack of parking spaces at the gym today, one of the top goals on everyone’s list is losing weight and getting in shape. I’m all here for it. It’s the perfect time to detox, reinvent, and get focused on being the stronger, healthier you that you desire to be. 

Though I’m not a fitness guru nor your next IG gym girl, I did buckle down and lose 50 lbs in 2021.  It was such an amazing change in my life! Though I’m still on my journey and have a few pounds that I would like to lose, I wanted to share my top 6 tips to help you get started on your journey and drop the pounds. 

Decide your “why”

Because you’re fat, right?!? I know this might seem dumb or super duh, but I think this is a very important first step. Outside of not wanting to be overweight, why are you wanting to start this health/fitness journey? What are your desired outcomes? Do you want to consistently feel better? Do you want to feel more confident in certain clothes? Are you tired of being winded when you climb the stairs at work? Are you trying to be dragging the wagon? Whatever it is, make a solid declaration of it. Remembering your ‘why’ will help you on days when you don’t feel like working out or find yourself on the couch wrist-deep in a bag of potato chips. 

Modify before eliminating

It seems to be common practice when starting a weight loss journey to cut out everything: no sugar, no bread, no eating after 7 PM, no dairy, and so on.  I don’t know about you, but this has never worked for me.  I’ll do good for about a week or two and then I’m feeling deprived and unsatisfied.  This of course leads to a binge, and we’re back to square one.  Instead of completely cutting yourself off from things you love, I suggest making modifications and finding substitutions.  Craving French fries? Cool, go grab a potato from the grocery store and make some homemade in the air fryer.  Love good dipping sauces or putting ranch on everything? Try G Hughes delicious line of sugar-free sauces or Bolthouse Farms dressings.  There are so many little modifications/ substitutions you can make that will help you get started in a major way. 

Maximize Your Workouts

I work out a few times a week and have been for several months now.  I am still not, nor do I ever think I will be to a point that I enjoy it.  Most times working out is pretty miserable for me from start to finish.  What has helped me push through and bring myself back is maximizing my workouts.  I really enjoy HIIT and lifting because you are able to get the most bang for the fewest bucks.  Instead of making yourself miserable for an hour, go ham sandwich for 15-25 minutes.  The pain is real, but you live to work out another day. 

Meal Prep

It’s nice to believe that you’ll make good choices throughout the day, but when you’re stuck at work and hangry, ordering Chinese food can happen fast.  Meal prepping helps you be conscious about what you’re eating, assists in portion control, saves you time and can help with food waste.  Like come on, it’s kind of a no-brainer. An hour or two one day a week can truly change the trajectory of your week and help keep you on track. 

     Make it easy for yourself and start with a few simple meals while you get into a routine.  Once you get the hang of it, spice things up a bit and get creative. Oh and don’t forget about your snacks. 

Progress Pics

This one maybe should have been #1 because it’s just that helpful. I was working out for 6 months, and the scale was moving some, but when I looked in the mirror I didn’t see any changes. People would make comments about me slimming down, but I just thought they were being nice because they knew that I was trying.  One day I tried on a dress that I had worn many times before, and HONEY it was a whole bedsheet.  I hopped in the mirror and quickly took a photo. At this stage in my journey, I’m taking photos more regularly, but I DEF wish I would’ve been more intentional in the beginning.

Keep going

Nothing beats consistency. You’re not going to be perfect every day, but not giving up will get you where you ultimately want to be. Make small changes every day.  Try your hardest to stick to your desired diet and meal plan, move your body as often as you have time, and drink water. At the end of the year, you will be so proud that you didn’t quit. Small changes lead to major results. 

I am very excited for you and wish you the best of luck on your health/fitness journey. If you try any of these tips or have any tips of your own I would love to hear about them in the comments. As you progress in your journey I’d love for you to keep me posted. Feel free to tag me on Facebook or Instagram.